Why "ROCKSTAR" is one of my favorite movies?

While most people may not remember this movie fondly, Rockstar starring Ranbeer Kapoor is one of my best movies ever. I believe it is an underrated movie that went over most people's heads. It did good but mostly because of the music and Ranbeer's acting not because of the philosophy that the movie seeks to impart.

This is not a movie review. I am writing about it because i feel connected to this movie in many ways. Ranbeer is a wannabe Rockstar with dreams bigger than his reach. He wants to rock. He loves music. That is it ! We all dream of doing big things in life. There are two types of people: Dreamers and Dreamers & Doers. Doing makes all the difference. What are you willing to do to achieve your dreams? To what corner of the world are you willing to travel? To what extent are you ready to be hated by everyone? What risks are you willing to take? It defines who we ultimately become as a person.

Ranbeer was willing to break his heart to achieve his dream. WOW! Yes, the same heart that we so tenderly take care of. We even avoid falling in love just because we want to protect our heart and dont wanna let somebody else enter your private spaces. We risk so much to avoid the risk of being hurt. But the power of a dream condemns you to live with hurt and guilt ! Maybe sometimes its the pain that leads us to success rather than the pleasures of life. Pain has huge potential for change.

When Ranbeer sees no way out, he seeks solace in god. He asks god for answers . Even when his family discarded him, god in a way accepted him. There is a hidden message in this plot. We all are children of god. Even when there is no way out, god shows mercy and light. God gives his hardest battle to his bravest soldiers. Even when there is nothing to hang on to while falling from the cliff of tragedies, god is that unbreakable branch that has the power to save our lives. When the times have been tough and there has been no signs of answers from another person, i always turn to faith. Faith has great powers !

And last but not the least, Ranbeer loves like crazy. His love becomes his obsession which may not always be a good thing but it shows that his love and passion had the power to cross moral boundaries and social conventions. He was ready to sacrifice everything, even his hard fought success for his woman. We can look it at two ways. He was utterly stupid or he was a genuine lover. Love is such a sacred feeling that it seems that not giving your all is a crime. People today love halfheartedly.  Career, success, fame, social status, money are our leading priorities. But the movie puts light to such a beautiful character who is ready to sacrifice all the things that we so desperately crave for his love. Now that is beautiful.

Maybe i saw a half full glass when others saw a half empty one. But i loved the movie. I love what it tries to put into perspective. It is not just another movie for me. It is special. It is a story of ambition, love, heartbreak and faith that pierced my heart in all the right ways. If i have not given all the spoilers, you can check it out for yourself.


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