Time Economics

Average life expectancy of humans= 70 yrs (more or less)

Time economics of normal humans:

Sleep= 8 hrs a day= 70*365*8= 204400 hrs= 23.33 yrs
Eating= 1.5 hrs a day= 1.5*70*365=4.3 yrs
Cleanliness(brushing, bathing etc) = 0.5 hrs a day= .5*70*365= 1.45 yrs
travelling =1 hr per day= 2.91 years
Work= 6 hrs a day= 17.5 yrs
Hobby= 0.5 hrs a day= 1.45 Yrs
Entertainment \ Idle state of doing nothing=6 hrs per day= 6*70*365=17.5 yrs
Toilet= 0.5 hrs a day= 1.45 yrs

Time Economics of Great Achievers

1- They sleep less. If we assume they sleep just two hours less than others than they will sleep 5.83 yrs less than others.
2- They work more. At a rate of 10 hours per day, they will have worked 11 yrs more than an average human being.
3- They limit time spent on entertainment and invest more time in their hobbies.

This simple mathematics is just to show that the difference between being average and achieving greatness is the amount of time you have and the chunk of which you invest in work. I don't believe in talent. I only believe in work. Talent is a state achieved via work. We all can do this simple mathematics and analyse how we are using our time. Time is the most valuable currency that god has distributed in equal amount to everyone. Einstein didn't have 30 hours in a day. He just made the most out of the 24 that he had. 


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