The Universal God

God is the greatest contradiction in the universe. He is but he isn’t. He is perpetual and infinite and omnipresent still inaccessible. He is the king of this kingdom but still it seems e has left his great land on autopilot.
I am not going to go into what god is? My singleton views on what God must be like carries little value to anyone else because god is a concept that builds within us one contradiction at a time. The first question that comes to life and stares a hole through my heart every time I question god is existence. "Existence" of this universe is a slap in the face of anyone that questions god.  There must be an action for a reaction to exist. This ever-expanding universe is the proof that an action exists or a force that has the power to materialize the action exists.
Let me talk about two contrasting generalizations on god. One is the individual god and the other is neither single nor whole, he is just there. Individual gods maybe Christ, Buddha, Brahma, BIshnu,Maheswor and the list goes on. Individual god has an individual identity. He seems like a refined version of us. He has his own herculean myths and mesmerizing stories of divine grace and power. He seems to take care of the individual particle as an individual. Buddhists think they are under the mercy of Lord Buddha. We Hindus think our knowledge is under the mercy of Saraswati, our wealth is under the influence of Laxmi. Basically, every aspect of our lives is under control or influence of an individual god and at all times. Given that god is a hyper-intelligent superbly powerful individual, I don’t think even he could handle the data traffic from every particle in this universe. My greatest objection against the individual god is the sheer volume of data that he must process and control every second. This is also the reason I believe I have freewill and no such thing as fate exists.

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Let's consider this box as our entire universe and the dots and commas as the particles inside this universe. Do you seriously think god concerns himself with how each particle of the universe, infinite of them, every moment? I don’t know the answers to the question where did the box come from or what makes the particle behave as they do. I just don’t think god controls minute details of the universe like an individual god. Yes because of lack of understanding of underlying science, I am bound to accept that god created the box but I just cannot fathom him controlling everything that happens inside it.

That is the reason I believe in Einstein. Don’t be falsely alarmed, Einstein is not my god. I believe in his concept of cosmic religiousness. There is no individual god that concerns himself with all the random shit going on throughout the universe. But we cannot deny the presence of a universal god that set everything in motion. HE created this. He set the particles inside the box in motion and with time a pattern developed. The particles started vibrating at a certain frequency feeding off the enormous energy present inside the box. Through evolution of particles, life was formed and through evolution of life, humans whirled into existence. Every pattern that we now see in this universe occurred because of the properties of the particles. Yes god designed those particles but he didn’t design the building. All physical laws exist because with time certain particles started behaving in a certain way. God just laid three bricks: time, space and energy. Everything else after that is the evolution of patterns in a random universe.
Yes I believe in that god. That god is everywhere in this universe without the compulsion to control everything. He just watches as patterns and entropy develops. The more the patterns develop, the more complicated this universe becomes, its entropy rises and one day the box will explode with another big bang or just get dissolved within itself leaving nothing. If this universe came out of nothing, it is plausible to think it will vanish into nothing. And the cycle repeats. God's next experiment begins.


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